30. August 2015

New stuff will be mine soon~

Hey guys :)
Long time no see xD

I had some bad days since the last time, so that's why I coudn't write anything.
I hope you will understand.

Last night I saw some awesome things for me. It's a german shopping page for second hand stuff. And I saw a Koda Kumi concert DVD and 3 plushies from Kumi. So I bought them *-*
They will be my first Koda Kumi goodies and I'm so happy about it :D
I will defintely take some pictures. The concert DVD is Koda Kumi Trick Tour. One of the best concerts I ever saw. 
I'm so happy about it *-*

12. August 2015

ayumi hamasaki 2015 SUMMER

I'm so happy right now.
Saw the coming a-nation 2015 goodies of ayumi hamasaki and I'm in love with them.
BUT it's not a good choice to use the sixxxxxx cover as for ayu. It's not like summer. 

I DO NEED THE HEADBAND and the pink towel. Maybe the uchiwa and OMG I really like this mini pouch and the bag and the shirt (*o*)
This summer I really like the a-nation goodies of ayumi hamasaki. What do you think??

9. August 2015

YUI gave birth to healthy twin baby boys \o/

Today I read a super news!!!!
YUI gave birth to twin boys.

"Singer song-writter yui, who currently leads a 4 members band gave birth to male twins.

According to her management, she gave birth to male twins a couple of days ago in a hospital of the metropolitan area. Mother and children are in good health.

yui started a relationship with a man in his 20’s from a construction company last year’s fall, getting married in March announced their marriage and pregnancy on April.

yui said to Sports Hochi: “I was able to deliver healthy babies. I’m full with happiness. I will take care of my children while treasuring these feelings. I’ll be happy if everyone keep watching over me warmly.”

yui made her debut on 2005. On 2006 starred the movie Taiyou no Uta, composing it’s theme song as well. On two ocassions, 2008 and 2012 she took a pause from her activities. On April, 2013 she changed her name to “yui” reopening her career with “FLOWER FLOWER”. On March last year she was diagnosed with panic disorder, having to cancel her performances.

She has the intention to continue her career, trying to compatibilice the care of her children and her own health as well. Now that she’s become a mom, it looks like she will give us even more fascinating music."
Source: http://www.yui-lover.com/yui-gives-birth-to-two-healty-boys/

I'm so happy for the family and wish them so much fun with their twins.