30. Juni 2014

Tomomi Itano New Album SxWxAxG

Hey guys
From Hotaru I know that Tomomi Itano brings out her debut album SxWxAxG.
I'm so excited to hear it ^^

CD Tracklist
Dear J
Wanna be now
Ai ni Pierce (愛にピアス; Pierced in Love)
Fui ni (ふいに)
For you, For me
10nengo no Kimi e (10年後の君へ)
Girls Do

DVD Tracklist
Crush PV
Crush Making PV

Samantha Vega CD Tracklist
Dear J
Ai ni Pierce (愛にピアス; Pierced in Love)
Fui ni (ふいに)
For you, For me
10nengo no Kimi e (10年後の君へ)
Girls Do

I will hear it and maybe I will do a review =DD

28. Juni 2014

Ayumi Hamasaki Colours Booklet Scans

Hey Guys

Today I found some booklet scans from『CoLOURS』on Facebook.

I REALLY REALLY LOVE these pictures *-*

24. Juni 2014

Nakashima Mika × Kato Miliyah Fighter/Gift Preview

Single: Fighter/Gift (Mika less)
Künstler: Nakashima Mika × Kato Miliyah
Release: 04.06.2014


01. Fighter
02. Fighter (Tachytelic World Cup Brazil 2014 Remix)
03. Gift
04. Fighter (Mika LESS)
05. Fighter (Instrumental)

01. Fighter (Music Video)
02. Gift (Music Video)



The Songs

Fighter sounds really powerful. It sounds like two women have to be very strong. Be strong to have to deal with something.
In my opinion Miliyah has the more powerful voice, while Mika sounds really like a girl. Both together sounds like they did nothing other.

Fighter (Tachytelic World Cup Brazil 2014 Remix)
The sound of the Remix is more happy. I really like this song, cause Mika and Miliyah sing in english. At the first, you don't hear it's in english, but with help of the lyrics you will understand. I really like it. And it's really cute of them to sing the song for the Samurai Blue in english.

I really like the idea of a second song singing together. I know collaboration singles, where one singer has another song on the single. And it's a really happy world song. I don't really know the lyrics, but it sounds positiv. I have a good feeling while I hear this song.

Fighter (Mika LESS)
I'm really in love with the voice of Miliyah, but alone with this song it doesn't sound really good. Something is missing, because Miliyah songs only her parts. Everything that Mika sings is missing. It doesn't sound really good. But I really love the song Fighter.


I will give ★★★★☆ cause I miss something in the Mika less version.

23. Juni 2014

Ayumi Hamasaki x Vans

1st collaboration between Ayumi and VANS, for a limited edition of PREMIUM SHOWCASE ~ Feel the love ~ slip-on !
On sale from the 3rd to the 6th July in ABC Mart shop for 9000 yen (88 $) and from the 7th on mu-mo.


I would love to have a pair for me and my girlfriend <3

20. Juni 2014

Koda Kumi - 57th single 「Hotel」

It's official !!!

Koda Kumis new Single will be out on 6th August 2014. It will be called「Hotel」and comes in 3 versions.

CD+DVD Playroom

・HOTEL -Music Video-

Tracklist for Playroom

・MONEY IN MY BAG -Music Video-

I want to buy me a version and hope I can get a first press version <3
I really like the covers and I'm in love with the CD+DVD Version Cover~



We have wonderful news today.
Guess what? A new single “HOTEL” will be released in Japan on August 6th!!
Of course, the Taiwanese version will be available in August too!

Production is going on now!
We will let you know of any additional information as we get it.
Don’t miss it.

18. Juni 2014

Ayumi Hamasaki goes to a-nation TAIWAN and SINGAPORE are official too

Now it's official~
For every fan from Taiwan and Singapore. You can see Ayumi Hamasaki Live~
Avex announced that Ayumi Hamasaki will appear on a-nation. Taiwan and Singapore Live also.

I'm so happy for every fan in Taiwan and Singapore ^-^
I wish I could see her live one time.

16. Juni 2014


Now it's official!!!
The cover for the new album are out.

My favorite is the version I preordered. CD+DVD will come to me =D

I really thought the cover will be like the free CDs from the PREMIUM SHOWCASE.

And what's about the small a in Ayumi and Hamasaki and the small o in Colours??

What's your opinion??

Feel the Love - Ayupan x Bloody Bunny

Merry-go-round Album Version


14. Juni 2014

「A exercise」by Ayumi Hamasaki

Hey Guys

News from Ayumi Hamasaki. The three songs their not at the PREMIUM SHOWCASE are include for working out DVDs.

For Boys&Girls, Trauma and evolution you can make some work outs.

It's really funny to see it, but I would try it.
You can buy them together in a complete Box. And as an extra you get a face towel. 

What are you thinking about it??

13. Juni 2014

Otsuka Ai new album LOVE FANTASTIC

Hey Guys

Today I saw some awesome news :D
Otsuka Ai brings out a new album^^ On 16th July 2014 comes the new album "LOVE FANTASTIC". I'm very excieted to it.

The cover are very grown. They show us a very adult Aichin. I really love it =)

With the "LOVE" on the title, Aichin has remained true to her style.

CD Tracklist
モアモア (More More)
ごめんね。( I'm Sorry)
マワリ廻るマワレバ回ろ (Rotation, Rotating, When It's Rotating, Rotate)
ライライ (Lai Lai)
アクション 10.5 (Action10.5)
ゾッ婚ディション (Marriage Condition From My Heart)
I ♥ ×××

DVD Tracklist
More More (モアモア) (PV)
Zokkondition (ゾッ婚ディション) (PV)
I ♥ ××× (PV)
AIO PIANO Live vol.1

I really like the tracklist and I'm very excieted to the new songs and PV's.  Maybe I can get a copy =) That would be really cool.

6. Juni 2014

Official Tracklist and official album title

Today Ayumi Hamasakis Hompage changed the album title and the tracklist.

I find it really interessting how the songs are arranged. But I'm a little bit sad about the number of songs. I think 10 Songs are too less. But I guess it will be one of her best albums she gave us -(๑☆‿ ☆#)ᕗ

5. Juni 2014

Ayumi Hamasaki New Album『Colours』

Now it's official~
The 15th Studioalbum of Ayumi Hamasaki is called『Colours』
I'm really excited how the cover will be.

For the first time I don't like the title. It doesn't really fit to the songs. It's my opinion.

Now I'm waiting for the officially tracklist and the covers. I hope it's not like the XOXO/Terminal Cover >.< because it doesn't fit to the album title.

What's your opinion to the title?

4. Juni 2014

Koda Kumi NEW SINGLE announced

YAY my first post in english =D

Today Koda Kumi announced a new Summer Single. It will be available in two versions. I guess in CDonly and CD+DVD. On 6 August, the new single will be released.

I will tell you if there are new information.

I'm so excited *-* Maybe we will hear a new style for a special album for her 15th anniversary.

2. Juni 2014

Kindertagspreview: Tinkerbell und die Piratenfee Review

Extra zum Kindertag wurde in den Cinestars des Landes heute für Groß und Klein TinkerBell und die Piratenfee gezeigt.



Zu beginn wird man in das wirre Leben der Feenglanzverwalterin Zarina gezogen. Sie ist, wie Fee Gary es so schön formulierte, die Tinkerbell unter den Feenglanzverwalter. Es gibt blauen Feenstaub, der den Feenstaub vermehren kann. Zarina wollte aber wissen, ob es nicht auch andersfarbigen Feenstaub gibt. So klaut sie ein Korn des blauen Feenstaubs und experimentiert damit ein wenig. Auf einmal hatte orangefarbenen Feenstaub, mit dem sie Sonnenstrahlen beugen kann. Schnell holt sie Tinkerbell zu sich um ihr ihre Fortschritte zu zeigen. Beim erstellen von lila Feenstaub passiert ihr allerdings ein Missgeschick bei dem der Turm der Feenstaubverwaltung zerstört wird. Ganz entsetzt und wütend sagt ihr Fee Gary, dass sie gar nicht mehr kommen braucht. Also packt Zarina ihre Sachen und verschwindet aus dem Tal der Feen.
Ein Jahr später sind die Spiele der vier Jahreszeiten. Zu Beginn sieht man die Winterfeen, die bereits in Tinkerbell und das Geheimnis der Feenflügel vorgestellt wurden. Eine Fee in Piratentracht erscheint im Dunkeln und versetzt alle Feen durch Mohnsamen in einen Schlaf. Alle Feen bis auf die 6 Freundinnen und Clank. Seine große Aufgabe: Die Winterfeen brauchen genügend Schnee bis sie wieder aufwachen würden. Tinkerbell, Silberhauch, Rosetta, Clara, Vidia und Emily folgen Zarina, die den blauen Feenstaub geklaut hat.

Wie es weitergeht erfahrt ihr ab dem 12. Juni dann im Kino.


Für mich war sehr schön zu sehen, das Disney in diesem Film nicht das Hauptaugenmerk auf Tinkerbell gelegt hat. Wirkliches Augenmerk lag bei Zarina und auch bei dem jungen James.

Ich fands ein wenig doof, dass nie erklärt wird, warum und woher James die Feensprache versteht, während der Rest der Welt nur Glöckchen hören.

Im Großen und Ganzen ein sehr schöner Familienfilm. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn die Tinkerbell-Reihe sich jetzt mehr darauf bezieht, wie sie zu Peter Pan kommt. Auch wie James zum Captain Hook wird und Peter Pan und Tinkerbell ihn ärgern. Das wäre etwas wofür ich mich noch begeistern könnte.
Aber fest steht: Tinkerbell wird so schnell nicht Enden.

Von mir bekommt der Film ★★★★★